Hello all you people out there in the soon-to-be far far away land of the U.S. Here is another test post to get all the kinks worked out. Y'all can comment on our posts now, as this is a much needed improvement. 
Our bags are packed up with all the bells and whistles inside. Packing for four months is unlike anything else, all I have to say is ROLL, ROLL, ROLL those clothes into little bundles. It saved me so much space!
The next blog you read will be the real deal! Enjoy
After a 10 hour plane ride and a 4 hour boat ride, we'll be here on a tiny island in the Yasawa group of islands in Fiji. We plan to snorkel, kayak, and soak up the island vibes.

This little fern makes me so happy!

After a few days getting adjusted in Auckland, we are taking a ferry to Great Barrier Island off the coast of Auckland.

I'm going crazy thinking about all the epic views to be seen out there!

10/16/2013 07:43:49 am

Time of your lives! Have each others back, and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!
Your Nanna got nuttin on this mutton.

Love you both.

10/17/2013 01:05:20 pm

In four months you'll have officially traveled more than I have in 50 years! Stoked for you both! Maybe introduce the locals to a little game o' Y-a-h-t-z-e-e on my behalf?

10/18/2013 01:40:14 am

So far away...I'm glad the flight was good, keep those photos coming!XO


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    About Hayley and Lorena

    We are traveling through Fiji and New Zealand for four months. Farms, food, beaches, campervans, and a GoPro!